Book reviews from soniasabir

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soniasabir's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Fasting, Feasting

by Anita Desai

On Apr 23 2007, Soniasabir said:
soniasabir rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
In the first part of this novel Anita Desai is potraying a culture which is very much like our own culture.She is not only showing the conflict between individual and society but also compelling her readers to think and ponder over the situations and circumstances in which one has to do what one does not want to. in the second part she is presenting a Western culture in its full gloom. In this part she is telling one's feelings in other'z culture. i m also doing my thesis on this novel becoz i find it intersting as well as easy to comprehend.