Book reviews from lastgold

California, United States

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lastgold's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.
On Apr 25 2008, Lastgold said:
lastgold rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
John Perkins has done a real service to Americans by revealing the true motivations behind "economic aid" to third world countries. This book could also be titled "Political Science 101", as it explains clearly that loans are made with the sinister true purpose of indebting poor countries to the point where they have no recourse but to default. Once the default has occurred, then of course the United States takes the oil reserves, mineral rights - or whatever has value in satisfaction of the debt. The sad part of the equation is - that all of this is planned ahead of time. The loans are made with the express purpose of enslaving the country, and confiscating their wealth! Political assasinations, empire building and the lies and deceits of government (our government), are carefully explained in thorough detail. For those of you who still think of your country as the holder of the moral "high ground", you owe it to yourself to read this book. Be prepared for the depression that follows. This is not an easy read. But I can guarantee - it will change your view of the "land of the free, and the home of the brave"!