Book reviews from gperrin77

Iowa, United States

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gperrin77's average rating is 3 of 5 Stars.
On Jan 9 2011, Gperrin77 said:
gperrin77 rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
This book is a wonderful slice of historical adventure and about the only American whaler to hit the reef in Palau Islands of Micronesia. I have visted the sites depicted in the book including discovery of a tripot from the wrecked ship, the Mentor. The descriptions of tattooing in the book were used by Herman Melville in his book, Typee. This narrative gave rise to the general view and interest in fabled remote islands. The narrative was widely popular in 1836.

The Book of Tea

by Okakura, K

On Jan 9 2011, Gperrin77 said:
This little essay is considered by some to be one of the finest examples of English essay. Oddly written by a Japanese in his second language.