Book reviews from dkathrens77

Colorado, United States

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dkathrens77's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.
On May 13 2008, Dkathrens77 said:
dkathrens77 rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
I read a friend's copy of this book. I was inspired to purchase a copy for myself. It is very thorough, yet easy to read and understand. Excellent reference for Operational Amplifier theory, design, and testing! Op Amps are the Tinker Toys of the electronic world, sometimes deceptively simple. When instability problems rear their ugly heads, the causes and cures can be maddeningly difficult to determine. I especially liked the Chapter 3, Section 3, which summarizes "The Seven Most Common Causes Of Op Amp Instability". This is a great addition to any engineer or technician's library.