Book reviews from Squishy

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Squishy's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Leisure Seeker, The

by Michael Zadoorian

On Oct 5 2010, Squishy said:
Squishy rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
You will laugh and then you’ll cry. You will laugh and cry at the same time. That is the nature of this book. Ella and John are reaching the end of their long life together. Ella has been diagnosed with terminal cancer & John with Alzheimer's. It is Ella's courage & determination that lead them on the trip of their lives from Michigan to California following the original Route 66 whenever they can. With John behind the wheel and Ella calling the shots, they make there way across the country reliving old memories and making some new ones. Told entirely in Ella's voice this story will make your heart fly and also break. There are some truly hilarious moment and some with such insight that it hard to believe this book is written by a baby boomer or a man, for that matter, and not an end of her life "old" lady. I' am glad to have taken this journey.