Book reviews from NikV

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NikV's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.
On Feb 28 2011, NikV said:
NikV rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I'm no mechanic but this totally enthralled me the detail the maths, fantastic explanations. A V12. Sections dealt with steering,camber all those things that you "know" but are now demystified. and on and on...If you have any love of this sport when cars where manhandled by their drivers (gear shifts using spanners and that sort of thing) it's no autobiography, but it stands proudly in my collection. Without these books we would never truly understand how far the sport has come.

To Hell and Back

by Niki Lauda

On Feb 8 2007, NikV said:
NikV rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
To anyone who watched Niki Lauda race and wished to know how he controlled 1000BHP Turbos around Montecarlo not that he thought it a good idea. You find a whole new world in Formula one, not a safe one. Full of interesting insights into teams , You feel angry, sad and elevated at the people around Niki whilst remembering that he sees it from the drivers perspective. He reveals his thoughts on other drivers at the time and his unique perspective on ground effect cars - 'driving a plank' , 'a technical dead end'. All this and why strawberry Yoghurt is a must. Definitely reccomended from this old Lauda Fan.