Book reviews from JimL777

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JimL777's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Against All Hope

by Armando Valladares

On Sep 18 2007, JimL777 said:
JimL777 rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I'm two-thirds through reading this compelling account of Armando Valladares courage in resisting Communism and the Castro regime. If his account is accurate, and I suspect it is, I don't understand how Castro can be treated with anywhere near the respect that he currently receives from the American (and Western) media. He is a Latin Stalin, not an elected President, and the so-called mainstream media in the U.S. has ignored the horrible crimes he and his henchman have committed. Shame on them! If the book is accurate, Valladares and thousands of other Cubans were guilty of the one crime that a Communist dictatorship cannot abide - - the desire to think as an individual. Where are the PBS documentaries about Castro's crimes? Where is the outrage? Read the book. It will open your eyes.