Book reviews from HugoDurana

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HugoDurana's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

Net 40 Generics Beginner's Guide

by Sudipta Mukherjee

On Apr 25 2012, HugoDurana said:
HugoDurana rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
Here is my view on it:Pros:Well written, whether you're a begginer or a seasoned professional.Good coverage of Generics and Generic collections (some i honestly wasn't aware of them)Overall structure of e-book is good.Cons:Some paragraphs in Chapter 2, for example, had normal text and bold text at the same time, which was kind of confusing.Some screenshots were of poor quality, especially those that pertained to the method explanation tips from Visual Studio.Overall aprecciation: 4/5.Would I buy this book: Yes.Would I recommend it: Yes.