Book reviews from HeavenSent7963

Michigan, United States

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HeavenSent7963's average rating is 0 of 5 Stars.


by McDaniel, Lurlene

On Mar 30 2012, HeavenSent7963 said:
I am not a teenager; but that does not mean I cannot enjoy the YA, reading books. I find a lot of them more touching than ones, of my own age. Lurlene McDaniel, is one of my top favorite authors. This book breathless, is a really good book- and you will surely find it touching, and you'll shed a few tears here and there- but that is how well, of a writer she is though. Even, the book "Saving Jessica- that one is very touching and it ends very well; it made me cry at the end. You'll enjoy this author, as well- I am sure to say