Book reviews from DanaL

Texas, United States

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DanaL's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Woman Next Door

by Barbara Delinsky

On Nov 25 2011, DanaL said:
DanaL rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I really enjoy Barbara Delinsky's books. This was the first one I read and I recommended it to several people and they loved it as well. It is hard to put down! A great read.

The Woman Next Door

by Barbara Delinsky

On Oct 28 2011, DanaL said:
DanaL rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I never had never heard of Barbara Delinsky unitl I read this book and now I'm hooked. This is a fantastic read! I recommended it to one of my best girlfriends and after she read it she became a Barbara Delinsky fan too. This is one of those books that once you get started with it you can't put it down. I definitely recommend it.