Book reviews from DanMcBrough

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DanMcBrough's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.


by David Kagan

On Feb 17 2009, DanMcBrough said:
DanMcBrough rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I read Sunstroke by David Kagan and said to myself "Wow!" Extremely engaging premise, taking into account the book is based on a real-life tech project to supply Earth with cheap energy from the Sun via high-intensity microwaves from a huge satellite. Exactly like the U.S. Pentagon, Japan and other nations are developing for their own purposes this year in '09. In Sunstroke, this satellite is sabotaged in space by the oil cartel, causing it to go crazy and start frying lots of people on the ground, and begin melting what's left of the Arctic ice cap. The lead scientist who designed it has to try to find some way to stop this thing before it brings about Armageddon. I'm not going to spoil the ending, but this novel is right up to speed on what's going on today. Also, I heard David Kagan numerous times as a guest on Art Bell's worldwide radio program "Coast-to-Coast AM", talking about the ramifications of space solar power via microwaves. Sunstroke is one of those books that would make a sensational movie.