Book reviews from CassandraPh

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CassandraPh's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Dying Of the Light

by Derek Landy

On Sep 10 2014, CassandraPh said:
CassandraPh rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I loved it. I think the autor did a great job for the grand finale. First of all, I think the most admirable feature of this book is how well balanced it was. It has the perfect amount of sad scenes, funny scenes and fight scenes. It was as if Derek Landy didn’ t want to leave anyone disappointed. He managed to include backstories of old characters and also add new amazing ones. I was pretty amazed by Derek Landy’s imagination and all this new aspects of the book and how full of suspense it was. This book is one of my favorites because of how many plot twists it had- just when you think you have a good grasp on whats happening bam! it all changes. A thing I didn’ t like was that some scenes felt a little far-fetched. I felt as if many scenes were missing justification but I think that is because the author worked with all this new material. Overall, it was my favorite of the series and I will terribly miss them.