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Epódos que contem sentenças uteis a todos os homens, as quaes se accrescentão Regras para a boa educação de hum Principe: composto tudo na Lingua Latina ... traduzido na vulgar em verso solto por Francisco de Andrade ... Copiado fielmente da Edição de Lisboa de 1565.

Epódos que contem sentenças uteis a todos os homens, as quaes se accrescentão Regras para a boa educação de hum Principe: composto tudo na Lingua Latina ... traduzido na vulgar em verso solto por Francisco de Andrade ... Copiado fielmente da Edição de Lisboa de 1565.

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Epódos que contem sentenças uteis a todos os homens, as quaes se accrescentão Regras para a boa educação de hum Principe: composto tudo na Lingua Latina ... traduzido na vulgar em verso solto por Francisco de Andrade ... Copiado fielmente da Edição de Lisboa de 1565. -

by TEIVE, Diogo de

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Lisbon, Na Of. Patr. de Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1786.. First Edition in Portuguese. 12°, contemporary marbled wrappers (spine defective, spotting to front cover). Uncut and mostly unopened. Somewhat dampstained at top corner of title and next few leaves. Internally very good, overall good. 163 pp. Latin and Portuguese on facing pages. *** First Edition in Portuguese of the second separate edition of two works by the noted Portuguese humanist: "um dos mais celebres professores de letras humanas, que floreceo neste Reyno" (Barbosa Machado). The first section is a collection of maxims; the second, beginning on p. 90, is on the education of princes: Instituto Sebastiani Primi Felicissimi Lusitaniae Regis. Both these works first appeared in Lisbon, 1565 (Epodon sive Jambichorum carminum libri tres), along with translations of only the first book of the Epodon (attributed either to Teive himself or to Francisco de Andrada) and of the Institutio, by Andrada. This 1786 edition was done under the supervision of Francisco de Sousa Pinto de Massuelos. Both works were printed again in Lisbon, 1803, and had appeared (in Latin only) in a 1762 edition of Opuscula. Diogo de Teive was born in Braga, received a doctor's degree from the University of Paris, and held a chair at the University of Bordeaux before D. João III requested in 1547 that he teach at the University of Coimbra. Teive resigned his post in 1555, when the college was given over to the Jesuits. *** Innocêncio II, 176. Barbosa Machado I, 702-3. Pinto de Mattos (1970) p. 25. Ameal 2366. Avila Perez 7559. Cf. Azevedo-Samodães 3328n. Not in Palha, which lists the 1803 edition (nº 422). On the first edition, see King Manuel 327. Welsh and Greenlee Catalogue list other works. Porbase locates two copies at Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (one in "mau estado"), one at Bibliotheca João Paulo II-Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and one at Universidade Nova Lisboa (same collation, but no place or printer given [lacks title page?]). NUC: DLC, MH, IU, CtY.
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  • Title Epódos que contem sentenças uteis a todos os homens, as quaes se accrescentão Regras para a boa educação de hum Principe: composto tudo na Lingua Latina ... traduzido na vulgar em verso solto por Francisco de Andrade ... Copiado fielmente da Edição de Lisboa de 1565.
  • Author TEIVE, Diogo de
  • Edition First Edition in Portuguese
  • Publisher Lisbon, Na Of. Patr. de Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1786.
  • Bookseller's Inventory # 24037

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