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AUTHENTIC Science fiction MONTHLY #43, 1954 may -
by k h brunner, william temple, jonathan burke, richard wilson, etc
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- Paperback
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- Title AUTHENTIC Science fiction MONTHLY #43, 1954 may
- Author k h brunner, william temple, jonathan burke, richard wilson, etc
- Publisher hamilton & co,
- Bookseller's Inventory # 88394
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Authentic Science Fiction Monthly No.43 (Tomorrow Is Another Day by K. Houston Brunner)
by Campbell, H.J. (ed) (K. Houston Brunner; William F. Temple) (cover art by John Richards)
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- Paperback
- first
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- Used - Good
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- 1st Edition
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- Paperback
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- 1
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Kellerberrin, Western Australia, Australia
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€3.67€18.35 shipping to USA
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London: Authentic Science Fiction March 15th 1954 Digest 160pp ill., 1954 GD+ Great 50's rocketship cover art by John Richards.
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